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Cours de langue

Terms and conditions of ‘inlingua’ services Luxembourg


The service provider: LUX LANGUES SA, having his center in Luxembourg, located at 5, rue de Hesperange L-1731 Luxembourg. The client: any natural or legal person that uses the services provided by LUX LANGUES SA. Service provision: products and services offered by LUX LANGUES SA. Documentation regarding the end of the language action, provided to the client at the end of their training, which contains the certificate of attendance and a course report.



These terms and conditions form an integral part of the offers and all agreements of sale of products or services made by LUX LANGUES SA, a company governed by Luxembourg law, having his registered office at 5 rue de Hesperange L-7131 LUXEMBOURG CITY, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Luxembourg under number B77206. Only these terms and conditions in their official version at the time of entering into the contract are valid for the contractual relationship between LUX LANGUES SA, (hereinafter referred to as the “service provider”) and the natural or legal persons (hereinafter referred to as the “client”) who use their services. The client is supposed to have read the terms and conditions and to have accepted all the clauses.



These terms and conditions of services are intended to define the contractual relationship between LUX LANGUES SA and the client and the conditions applicable to any order placed within his center, whether by phone, by fax or via the Internet. An order of services implies the client's acceptance of these terms and conditions of services. These terms of conditions of services shall prevail over any other general or special terms and conditions that have not been expressly approved by LUX LANGUES SA. LUX LANGUES SA reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions of services at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date on which the client placed an order.



All our offers of products and services are valid for a period of 1 year. The rate stated herein comes into force on 01.01.2023 and applies to all of the client's registrations after this date, regardless of the order date.



The prices stated in our brochures and other documentation are valid for a period of 1 year from the date of entry into force of this rate. All our prices include VAT. The VAT regulations in force on the date of registration shall apply. The applied VAT regime will be based on the information submitted by the client in good faith. However, we reserve the right, at any time of the year, to modify the price without notice. Only the price and the terms and conditions of services that are mentioned on the website or via our brochures (in PDF and paper form) and documentation at the time of registration to the course shall apply. The client may request price information at any time by contacting us via



All of our invoices shall be payable upon receipt by the client. In case of registration less than 7 days prior to the start of the course, payment is due immediately and a proof of payment shall be demanded from the client. When registering to a course or examination, you agree to pay without delay the registration fee by credit card, Digicash, bank transfer or bank deposit. The full amount is required to be settled before the start of the course or examination.



Registration for training will be confirmed after the Customer Services of Lux Langues SA receive and accept the duly completed and signed registration form or a signed quotation for approval, sent by mail, fax, via our website or by e-mail. Acceptance of registration will be notified by sending a confirmation via mail or e-mail, together with a precise description of the order, along with confirmation of our terms and conditions and an invoice. We reserve the right to cancel any course registration that has not been paid or for which we did not receive a proof of payment prior to the start of the course.



From the day of receipt of the confirmation of the final course registration, the client has a period of 14 days to withdraw their registration in writing or via another durable medium, without giving any reason and without penalty. The right of withdrawal is only valid for unused services on the date when Lux Langues SA receives the withdrawal notification. If the client wants the services to start prior to the expiration of the withdrawal period, it is necessary for them to specifically request this from Lux Langues SA, who will keep a record thereof on a durable medium, without this being tantamount to the right of withdrawal. In the event that their right of withdrawal is exercised, clients who expressly asked for the services to start before the expiration of the withdrawal period remain liable to pay for services provided until the time of receipt of the withdrawal notification by Lux Langues SA. The right of withdrawal may only be exercised for service contracts that have been fully performed prior to the end of the withdrawal period and whose performance began after the consumer provided express prior consent and expressly waived their right of withdrawal.



7.1 Cancellation or postponement by Lux Langues SA:

Lux Langues SA reserves the right to cancel or postpone a course, in particular in the event of insufficient registrations, force majeure, unavailability of the teacher and other events. In this case, the paid registration fees will be refunded and you will be notified within the shortest possible time. In the event that Lux Langues SA has to cancel or postpone a course for reasons beyond its control, it may, wherever possible, propose various alternatives, at the rate in force, or issue refunds based on paid amounts. No compensation will be paid.


7.2 Cancellation or client abandonment

Any abandonment must be notified in writing (or by any means allowing the client to provide proof of submission - delivery against receipt, registered mail, e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt: e-mail address) to Lux Langues SA. Starting from the date of registration, you have a 14-day withdrawal period to cancel your registration free of charge. After this time, Lux Langues SA reserves the right to charge the following cancellation fees: - if the cancellation arises less than 15 working days prior to the course and/or examination, and a medical certificate certifying the incapacity of the client is not produced, 50% of the total amount will be charged as penalty. - if the cancellation arises less than 7 days prior to the course and/or examination, and a medical certificate certifying the incapacity of the client is not produced, 75% of the total amount will be charged as penalty. - The full price of the course will be due if the client does not show up and if they are unable to produce a medical certificate certifying their incapacity. Terms and conditions of ‘inlingua’ services Luxembourg



We strive to help our clients achieve their learning objectives. However, our obligation towards our clients with respect to learning a foreign language is limited to an obligation of means, and the client remains solely responsible for their effective results. The final documentation of the language action will be sent to the employer in the case of a course borne by the company and to the clients themselves individually if the course is borne by them. No claim will be taken into account beyond the month following the date of issuance of the documentation regarding the end of the language action. A certificate of completion of the language action will be given to each client with a course attendance of at least 70%. Liability of Lux Langues SA in the context of online services. In the event of the provision of online services, the liability of Lux Langues SA does not extend to damages resulting from the use of the internet such as data loss, intrusion, viruses, breaks in service or any other unintended problems. Lux Langues SA is only responsible for the content posted by its teachers on its website. Users retain full responsibility for the content they publish.



a) Language courses are organised after clients pass a free written and oral test, so as to determine their starting level, except for beginners.

b) Within the framework of individual training, all appointments must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance without loss. Beyond this period, the sessions will be charged. In case of a dispute, only the register of cancellations held by LUX LANGUES SA in LUXEMBOURG shall prevail.

c) For the establishment of group training or a 'Club inlingua’, the registration of at least 2 persons is required, otherwise LUX LANGUES SA reserves the right to change the number of hours, i.e. 20-hour courses to 10-hour courses without price reduction. In the event of refusal by the client, the 30% deposit will be retained.

d) LUX LANGUES SA agrees to deliver subscribed courses within 6 weeks after registration. Beyond this period, LUX LANGUES SA may refund the total amount using a credit note that is valid for 6 months from the date of issue. The credit note is transferable to a third party within 6 months in accordance with the rates in force.

e) LUX LANGUES SA will make every effort to replace absent teachers as soon as possible. However, given the specificity of our trainers, temporary suspension will be necessary in order for a quality teacher to come. In this case, a temporary change of schedule may arise.



The name "inlingua®" is a registered trademark. It may not be subject to any reproduction by any means without our express written permission, under penalty of legal proceedings. All "inlingua®" course books, exercises, documents and CDs are the outcome of our industry and our expertise. We exercise on these, without reserve, all of the prerogatives of intellectual property via inlingua® international ltd. All our rights are reserved on each of our products which can in no case be reproduced, even partially, by any means, nor be subject to any exploitation such as leasing, sale or loan, under penalty of legal proceedings.



The client's acceptance of these terms and conditions of services implies their authorisation of the use of photographs taken and videos recorded during the course, unless contrary written information is provided to LUX LANGUES SA before the start of the course at the latest. Consequently, the client authorises LUX LANGUES SA to publish any images taken during the course. The images may be exploited and used directly in all forms and all media that is known and unknown to this day, without any time limitation, in order to promote the activities of LUX LANGUES SA. The client may not claim any remuneration for the exploitation of rights covered by this paragraph. LUX LANGUES SA and its agencies and employees may not be held liable for their use, unless in the event of fraud or gross misconduct related thereto, or of use by unauthorised third parties.



The contract is subject to Luxembourg law, excluding the right on international sales of the Vienna Convention. In the event of a dispute, Luxembourg courts will have sole jurisdiction. Any translation of these terms and conditions is made for local needs. In case of discrepancy between the French version and other versions, the French version shall prevail, to the extent permitted by local law in your jurisdiction. Any dispute should be addressed directly to LUX LANGUES SA, direction administrative, 5, rue de Hesperange L-1731 Luxembourg.


13. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

LUX LANGUES SA mainly processes identification and contact information (such as name, surname, title/position, professional and/or private postal address and/or e-mail address, business and/or private phone number, ID or passport No. and professional qualifications). In any event, LUX LANGUES SA ensures that only appropriate and relevant data - in view of what is necessary for the stated purposes - be collected, processed and stored. The purposes of the processing are the following: managing your client account and your courses, market research and statistics in order to provide you with: the most suitable offers, quality monitoring of our services and business development. Such data will be stored for a maximum of 10 years following our last contact. In accordance with the EU Regulation (2016/679) of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, you can exercise the following individual rights: the right of access to your data, the right to correct errors in your data as well as the right to object to the collection of data, and the right to have your personal data deleted. To exercise your rights, you can contact us by sending an email to the following e-mail address: Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Data Protection (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données or CNPD) of Luxembourg in the event of violation of the GDPR.

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Language school in Luxembourg
for companies and individuals (adults, children).

Courses in Luxembourgish, French, German, English, and much more.
5, rue de Hesperange
L-1731 Luxembourg
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Opening hours :


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Office : Monday - Thursday : 8am to 6pm, Friday : 8am to 5pm, Saturday : 8.30am to 12.30pm

Classes : Monday - Thursday : 8am to 7.30pm, Friday : 8am to 6.30pm, Saturday : 8.30am to 12.30pm

© 2025 INLINGUA®  LUXEMBOURG | All right reserved

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